Mary McMurray - President
Linda Kimbro - Treasurer
Jacqui Fojt - Secretary
Walter Laas
Mark Mehre
Ed Miculka
Ann Schutt
Steve Rohloff
Pastor Mike Giese



Yes, we were blessed with a brief rain shower but the sun came out at 2 o’clock and so did the guests. A huge applause goes to our member crafters, cooks, installers, bakers, and creative youth teams. More business donors participated this year and the Silent Auction nearly doubled in size. The SQUARE APP allowed ease of debit / credit card payments. Accounting shows financial success - a great start to our 'Event Pavilion' fund. Holy Cross is a beacon of love and fellowship…Praise to our Lord !


We had a Ground Breaking Picnic for our Public Playground and Volleyball Court Saturday, May 18th,. We had burgers and dogs with chips. Bring your own drinks and lawn chairs and celebrate this occasion with us from 12:00 to 2: 00 p.m. The local newspaper covered the event and we had some of our children “Breaking Ground” for a photo op.

Here are some of our youth setting up the Volleyball court and getting a few practice rounds in as well as taking advantage of one of the tire swings under the oak trees in the picnic area.


The Playground fill and border has been completed and that signals an end to this phase of the projects. We are really looking forward to seeing the Beach Volleyball court and the pavilion being completed over the coming months.


MAUNDY THURSDAY, we shared in our Seder Meal. Guest arrival, Washing of feet (Optional) followed by the Seder Meal and a short Service.

During the course of the evening we had:
four cups of wine
veggies dipped in saltwater
flat, dry cracker-like bread called matzah
bitter herbs, often horseradish (without additives) and romaine lettuce, dipped into charoset (a paste of nuts, apples, pears and wine)

Each item has it’s place in a 15-step choreographed
combination of tastes, sounds, sensations and smells that have been with the Jewish people for millennia.

Holy Week saw a lot of activities from our Palm Sunday procession to Maundy Thursday and our Seder Meal. The week continued with Good Friday and culminated on Easter Sunday with a Sunrise Service on Rockport Beach followed by Easter Sunday service at Rockport Lutheran Church.

The children of Holy Cross take part in many aspects of our services. They are a joy to see and their sharing in the services surely brightens our hearts.

The Holy Cross Lutheran choir was out and about this Christmas season. Shown here they are preparing for “Christmas in the District” as they shared Christmas carols in downtown Rockport.

A nativity was obtained thru Castaways and was then repaired, painted and placed in the front of the church building by Pastor Mike and Luscious. Great job guys!